Project : “Together fulfilling a dream of a harmonious family”. The approbation and implementation of the programme has begun
In January 2015 the approbation and implementation of the programme from the project “Together fulfilling a dream of a harmonious family” began. The needs of three target groups were addressed as follows:
1) the parents of abused children taken into a rehabilitation center will, within 5 days, be educated on how to care for children: attention to raising a child, spending useful time on child evaluation and development . Parents aware of their personal resources , life values and goals , will receive educational information about domestic violence and options on family conflict resolution. Parents will receive 5 psychologist / psychotherapist consultations , 3 social worker consultations and, if appropriate, legal consultations.
2) victims of violence and persons committing violence will learn the family life model, renew useful household management skills, learn the basic skills of computer use , have work therapy in park areas , greenhouses and gardens, and woodworking workshops. Living in an institution for 30 days, the victims of violence will receive 8 psychologist / psychotherapist consultations, 5 social worker consultations and, if appropriate, legal advice.
3) the person committing violence will come to the centre once a week for one whole day to receive 3 specialist ( psychologist , psychotherapist, social worker ) consultations and classes to sort out their relationship with family members.
It is mandatory for all project participants to undergo work therapy for 2 hours a day.
At the beginning of the New Year, the first participants arrived at the Support Centre for the project " fulfilling a dream of a harmonious family ". In January, local social services have already nominated 8 persons who are in need of psychosocial support.